Rectory Farm

Education in the Countryside

Risk assessment

An up to date risk assessment should be undertaken prior to any visit based on the following:

HAZARD                                 ACTION TO BE TAKEN

General Safety                      Speak to the children about all safety issues at the beginning of visit.

                                             Stress the importance of staying together and not wandering off.

Trailer rides                         Ensure children hold on to side of trailer and make sure back gate is

                                             securely fastened.

Machinery                             Ensure children are kept away from machinery unless strictly supervised.

Animals                                 Children to be quiet and not run near animal yards.

                                             Ensure no children enter the cattle yards.

                                             Ensure children wash hands after touching animals.

                                             Pregnant ladies should not visit the farm during the lambing season.

Gates/haystacks                    Do not allow children to climb on gates, fences or haystacks

Electric fences                      Warn children about electric fences and ideally turn them off.

River/pond                            Very close adult supervision is needed when near the river/pond.

Chemicals and medicines      Ensure all chemicals and medicines are locked away.

Children getting lost             Take regular head counts and register before departure.

Hygiene                                 Make sure teachers and children wash their hands before eating or drinking

                                             and before leaving the farm.

Parking                                 Buses / cars to be parked and children dropped off and collected as directed

                                             on the day.

Suitable clothing should always be worn. Warm, waterproof coats and wellingtons in the winter and boots or trainers in the summer (sandals are never acceptable). Sun hats and sun screen are essential in the summer.

A first aid kit is available but teachers are responsible for ensuring pupils have their necessary asthma treatments etc.


Mr George Eaton, Rectory Farm, Tingewick.

Website by Andy Hack. All photography (except where credited) by Sara & Andy Hack Copyright 2010